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Bringing the human scale to COP15

Bringing the human scale to COP1501-12-2009 18:10
According to Neil Adger is is not political growth and prosperity that will help us solve the climate crises, but, to make progress in this matter, what we really need is to make politics move closer to the actual citizen—we need to localize democracy and develop sustainable societies.

"Perhaps bringing climate change to the human scale will generate the momentum for change. This is a difficult task for representative democracy, which weighs the needs and desires of all constituencies. And indeed climate change has all the constraints of being distanced in time and place from current actions. These are the reasons why climate change is so difficult to tackle."
(Neil Adger).

But how do we move politics closer to the people and make it more relevant and personal? How can the politicians at COP15 bring the human and the local scale into the negotiations?

Read Neil Adger's article: What Crisis? and discuss it here or at our online debate forum RETHINK Politics: ://

Under the theme RETHINK Borders Erik Hylland Eriksen writes about how we should limit the crossing of borders and make our lives more locally based to get to terms with climate change and mitigate global warming. See the article Living in an overheated world.
02-12-2009 00:08
we need to localize democracy and develop sustainable societies

- Amish style, maybe??
02-12-2009 13:24
Det ville da være spændende, hvis du (evt. Erik Hylland Eriksen eller andre af bidragyderne på RETHINK) ville deltage her på siden med indlæg.

Du er meget velkommen til at deltage på engelsk på den nyligt opstartede internationale version af
På forsøger vi at holde debatterne på dansk (norsk og svensk er også OK
Redigeret d. 02-12-2009 13:24

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