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Carbon capture teknologi

Carbon capture teknologi27-03-2023 13:02
The Gold Standard In Capture Carbon Technology
Great people. Incredible ground breaking technology!

UR ONE INC., offers scalable adaptive industrial systems to remove any oxides from your combustion process without chemicals! The system is a one step approach, using the most advanced technology available today; All in house at your facility. No need to sign adjacent agreements with other stake holders. UR One offers a unique straight forward approach to CDST (Carbon Dissociation Technology). UR One gives our customers the ability to capture not only carbon, but other greenhouse gases (GHGs) using one system; including Nitrogen (N), Oxygen (O2), Hydrogen (H), and Sulphur (S) by separating NOx, and SO2.

The three main greenhouse gases as compared to carbon dioxide are:

1 x – carbon dioxide (CO2)

84 x – methane (CH4)

298 x – nitrous oxide (N2O)

SO2, although not a GHG, can harm the earth's oceans, lakes, and soil by increasing acidity, thus damaging ecosystems around the world.

BOTTOM LINE: UR ONE eliminates all of these gases, by dissociation of carbon, sulphur, hydrogen, and nitrogen; collecting and reusing them, if so desired.

30-03-2023 19:19
Euro skrev:
The Gold Standard In Capture Carbon Technology
Great people. Incredible ground breaking technology!

UR ONE INC., offers scalable adaptive industrial systems to remove any oxides from your combustion process without chemicals! The system is a one step approach, using the most advanced technology available today; All in house at your facility. No need to sign adjacent agreements with other stake holders. UR One offers a unique straight forward approach to CDST (Carbon Dissociation Technology). UR One gives our customers the ability to capture not only carbon, but other greenhouse gases (GHGs) using one system; including Nitrogen (N), Oxygen (O2), Hydrogen (H), and Sulphur (S) by separating NOx, and SO2.

The three main greenhouse gases as compared to carbon dioxide are:

1 x – carbon dioxide (CO2)

84 x – methane (CH4)

298 x – nitrous oxide (N2O)

SO2, although not a GHG, can harm the earth's oceans, lakes, and soil by increasing acidity, thus damaging ecosystems around the world.

BOTTOM LINE: UR ONE eliminates all of these gases, by dissociation of carbon, sulphur, hydrogen, and nitrogen; collecting and reusing them, if so desired.

Der er ikke noget, der hedder en drivhusgas. Der er ikke noget, der hedder drivhuseffekten.

Hvorfor skulle enhver rationel voksen ønske at fjerne disse gasser fra emissioner, meget mindre lide en økonomisk omkostning ved at gøre det?

There is no such thing as a greenhouse gas. There is no such thing as the greenhouse effect.

Why would any rational adult want to remove these gases from emissions, much less suffer a financial cost in doing so?
07-10-2024 19:31
Jeg tror de lukkede UR One, der var et udviklingsselskab, og startede Rain Cage Carbon.

Her lover de at opfange CO2, og lave det om til et carbon holdigt materiale, som industrien efterspørger.

Som jeg forstår det, kan man når anlægget er etableret, stort set gratis fjerne flere stoffer som CO2, hvilket betyder at man vil kunne spare sin CO2 afgift, og dermed tjene penge på at spare miljøet for røggasser.

Og det betyder jo så at hvis man direkte betaler virksomheder for at have et negativt CO2 print, så ville man ved at rense biobrændsel for CO2, gøre det langt mere attraktivt at rense al røg. Man vil jo i princippet (måske i andre lande) kunne opnå både at få en rimelig betaling for at brænde biobrændsel, men oveni få en betaling for fjernet CO2. Det er vel sådan at CO2 kvoter fungerer.

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