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Climate Fake News i medierne er normen

Climate Fake News i medierne er normen28-10-2022 22:55
Spørgsmålet er om journalister virkelig er så ufatteligt indskrænket intellektuelt eller om de er besatte af en nyreligiøs kult:

Overwhelmed by junk science
28-10-2022 23:44
...eller om de er besatte af en nyreligiøs kult

- Klimakirken!:

How is it that much of the Western world, and Europe in particular, has succumbed to the self-harming collective madness that is the climate change orthodoxy? It is difficult to escape the conclusion that climate change orthodoxy has in effect become a substitute religion, attended by all the intolerant zealotry that has so often marred religion in the past, and in some places still does so today.
Throughout the Western world, the two creeds that used to vie for popular support – Christianity and the atheistic belief system of Communism – are each clearly in decline. Yet people still feel the need both for the comfort and for the transcendent values that religion can provide. It is the quasi-religion of green alarmism and global salvationism, of which the climate change dogma is the prime example, that has filled the vacuum, with reasoned questioning of its mantras regarded as little short of sacrilege...
29-10-2022 09:20
Flot skrevet af en mand på 83 - Nigella's far for øvrigt.

Deltag aktivt i debatten Climate Fake News i medierne er normen:

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DebatterSvarSeneste indlæg
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Breaking news - prof Ole Humlum1216-11-2020 16:45
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