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25-11-2010 11:44

Tusind tak for oplysningerne

Bliver spændende at følge
25-11-2010 19:51
Mht. "Cosmic rays linked to rapid mid-latitude cloud changes" skal man lige se det hele i perspektiv.

5 Conclusions

This work has demonstrated the presence of a small but statistically significant influence of GCRs on Earth's atmosphere over mid-latitude regions...

In addition, a GCR – cloud relationship may also act in conjunction with other likely solar – terrestrial relationships concerning variations in solar UV (Haigh, 1996) and total solar irradiance...

The climatic forcings resulting from such solar – terrestrial links may have had a significant impact on climate prior to the onset of anthropogenic warming, accounting for the presence of solar cycle relationships detectable in palaeoclimatic records

Text manipulation mine

Interessant forskning men kan på ingen måde tolkes som bevis på at de sidste 50 års opvarmning af kloden skyldes kosmiske strålinger. Det er desværre sådan at mange af de trofaste benægtere over på WottsWTU tolker det, fx:

So, it's the sun after all. Who would have thought that...
Can we now put the CAGW-theory to rest, please? I truly hope so.

Suk...passer hvad der står HER her.

- Det vil alltid finnes noen som avviser vitenskapen. Mange av dem som uttaler seg i debatten driver ikke aktiv forskning. Spørsmålet er hvilken vekt man skal legge på uttalelsene fra dem som ikke jobber med faget, sier direktøren ved Bjerknessenteret.

Vh rick

Vi har hørt varslerne. Klokken tikker....Informerede valg.
26-11-2010 11:22

Når jeg læser kommentarerne hos WUWT, er der da rigtig mange, der er endda meget kritiske overfor dette projekt...og selvfølgelig også mange, der synes det er rigtigt spændende.

Så de mange læsere hos WUWT er en blandet forsamling og tak for det.
Og tak for at Watts bringer stof, der er til (tilladt) diskussion og eftertanke.

Interessant forskning


Watts skriver i overskriften:

A new paper published today in Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics suggests that the relationship has been established.

og ikke

A new paper published today in Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics shows that the relationship has been established.

Og da hverken du (så vidt jeg har forstået) eller jeg er eksperter i noget indenfor klima området, andet end i at læse, hvad andre forsker i eller mener, kommer vi nok ikke meget længere end til at skrive om hvad andre skriver om...osv.

Således har vi de samme svage forudsætninger tilfælles med politikere og journalister, men har (måske heldigvis) ikke så meget at skulle have sagt som dem!

- men du og de støtter sig selvfølgelig til "eksperterne" vil du nok svare - ikke? og jeg vil nok ikke svare, for ikke at ende i uendelig spiral uden udgang...altså en slags cirkel med etager, hvor man kan rutche op og ned.

26-11-2010 12:15

"The last straw is the one in your mouth, and you can't suck sleepers through it"
26-11-2010 14:03

Lige en tilføjelse til mit sidste indlæg:

Sjovt nok, da jeg lige har henvist til dine ofte gentagne ord om, at du støtter dig til eksperterne, er her fra Bishop Hill henvisning til artikel i Guardian, der berører det og hvor B. Hill bl.a. fremhæver dette:

We need to tear down the ivory towers of the past and remove the walls dividing the public and academia. Journals need to be open, and in complex cases, such as the evidence for climate change, we need to provide the skills and tools that people need to discover the answers for
themselves. If we ask them to to accept our viewpoints just because we are the experts, we have already lost. We would be no different
than anyone who stands on a pedestal and proclaims the truth.

(måske er Judith Curry ved at danne skole?)

Ups...her gled jeg vist selv frivilligt ind i den spiral, jeg sagde jeg ville undgå!!!

Redigeret d. 26-11-2010 14:31
03-08-2011 05:10
Det blir varmere (7/7-11)

– Det finnes ingen vitenskapelige publikasjoner som sier at den globale gjennomsnittstemperaturen har gått ned, sier direktør Pål Prestrud ved CICERO Senter for klimaforskning.

Den 'Store Global Køling' er åbenbart ikke startet endnu.

Men den er nok (stadig) lige om hjørnet, ikke

Vh rick

Vi har hørt varslerne. Klokken tikker....Informerede valg.
05-08-2011 10:10
Solaktivitet og klima - en ny analyse

DMI-forsker sætter med ny artikel grænser for Sol-variationernes betydning for Jordens klima.

I diskussionen om klimaets udvikling under mulig indflydelse af menneskeskabte forhold, som f.eks. et øget indhold af CO2 i atmosfæren, dukker spørgsmålet om den varierende solaktivitets indflydelse op gang på gang.

Seniorforsker (emeritus) ved DMI, Peter Stauning forsøger nu i en artikel i Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics at sætte tal på, hvor meget variationer i Solens udstråling reelt betyder for Jordens klima. Artiklen har titlen Solar activity-climate relations: A different approach.

Fed min

Artikelen fra DMI nyheder findes HER

Abstract HER
05-08-2011 11:27
Mere sprit-ny forskning her:

Vores Undersøgelser viser også, at selvom isen forsvinder i et område, kan den godt tiltage i et andet. Det har vi fundet ud af ved at sammenligne vores resultater med målinger fra det nordlige Canada. Mens mængden af havis aftog i det nordlige Grønland, blev der mere af den i Canada. Denne forskel skyldes sandsynligvis ændringer i de overordnede vindsystemer. En faktor, der ikke er taget tilstrækkeligt hensyn til i forudsigelserne om havisens snarlige forsvinden i Det Arktiske Ocean...
05-08-2011 11:40

Deraf kan vi så udlede at den Lille Istid kom af ingenting, ligesom lommeulden.
05-08-2011 11:50
Det gode ved den historie er at alarmisten Prof. Eigil Kaas (KU) nu har fået kolde fødder og medgiver at den manglende havis skyldes naturlige årsager.
06-08-2011 00:20
Frank Lansner
Guess what...

Jordens atmosfære lukker meget mere varme ud i varme perioder end antaget i klimamodeller iflg ny forskning. Altså manglende opbakning til den påstulerede positive back der skulle godtgøre problemet ved CO2.

Science Daily:

"The satellite observations suggest there is much more energy lost to space during and after warming than the climate models show," Spencer said. "There is a huge discrepancy between the data and the forecasts that is especially big over the oceans."

Not only does the atmosphere release more energy than previously thought, it starts releasing it earlier in a warming cycle. The models forecast that the climate should continue to absorb solar energy until a warming event peaks.

Instead, the satellite data shows the climate system starting to shed energy more than three months before the typical warming event reaches its peak.

"At the peak, satellites show energy being lost while climate models show energy still being gained," Spencer said.
22-08-2011 10:54
Boe Carslund-Sørensen

Ny forskning om utslipp i Arktis
Utslipp i Arktis påvirker klimaet på en annen måte enn tilsvarende utslipp på lavere bredder. En ny studie ved CICERO og Universitetet i Oslo viser hvordan utslipp fra de to største sektorene i Arktis påvirker klimaet.
22-08-2011 11:19
Vi er efterhånden nået dertil hvor model-data opfattes som observerede fakta.
22-08-2011 14:12
Observerede fakta.

SCIENCE DAILY: Greenland Glacier Melting Faster Than Expected (18/8-11)

A key glacier in Greenland is melting faster than previously expected, according to findings by a team of academics, including Dr Edward Hanna from University of Sheffield. Dr Hanna, from the University of Sheffield's Department of Geography, was part of a team of researchers that also included Dr Sebastian Mernild from the Los Alamos Laboratory, USA, and Professor Niels Tvis Knudsen from the University of Aarhus, Denmark.

The researchers found that Greenland's longest-observed glacier, Mittivakkat Glacier, made two consecutive record losses in mass observations for 2010 and 2011. The observations indicate that the total 2011 mass budget loss was 2.45 metres, 0.29 metres higher than the previous observed record loss in 2010. The 2011 value was also significantly above the 16-year average observed loss of 0.97 metres per year.

The 2011 observations further illustrate, even comparing the mass balance value against simulated glacier mass balance values back to 1898, that 2011 is a record-breaking glacier mass loss year.

These observations suggest that recent Mittivakkat Glacier mass losses, which have been driven largely by higher surface temperatures and low precipitation, are representative of the broader region, which includes many hundreds of local glaciers in Greenland. Observations of other glaciers in Greenland show terminus retreats comparable to that of Mittivakkat Glacier. These glaciers are similar to the Mittivakkat Glacier in size and elevation range.

The retreat of these small glaciers also makes the nearby Greenland Ice Sheet more vulnerable to further summer warming which is likely to occur. There could also be an effect on North Atlantic Ocean circulation and weather patterns through melting so much extra ice. An extended glacier observation programme in east Greenland for the next few years is clearly needed to improve understanding of the links between climate change and response of the glaciers in this important region."

Utroligt når kloden er ved at afkøle, må være lokal vejr

Vh rick

Vi har hørt varslerne. Klokken tikker....Informerede valg.
22-08-2011 14:26
@Rick, se denne tråd y
Det har vist ikke noget med varme at gøre!
23-08-2011 08:30
Tak for det.
25-08-2011 07:31

Great News.... Klimaforskningens 'Sorte får' er nu vasket hvidere end selv Snehvide.... Tillykke til Dr. Svensmark and crew
Redigeret d. 25-08-2011 07:32
RE: efterbehande25-08-2011 11:31
GLAR skrev:
Vi er efterhånden nået dertil hvor model-data opfattes som observerede fakta.

Ellers må vi efterbehande de observerede fakta, indtil at de giver det politisk korrekte resultat.

25-08-2011 14:11
Boe Carslund-Sørensen
BBC: En ny skysimulator gir ny og verdifull kunnskap.
25-08-2011 14:48
Anyone excited?

Fra artikelen:

Climate scientists point out that there is evidence to show that the sharp rise in global temperatures over the past 15 years cannot be explained by cosmic ray activity. They also point to a vast body of research pointing to rising carbon dioxide (CO2) levels to be the cause. According to Professor Lockwood, it is very unlikely that variations in cosmic rays have played a significant role in recent warming.

"The result that will get climate change sceptics excited is that they have found that through the influence of sulphuric acid, ionisation can enhance the rate of water droplet growth. Does this mean that cosmic rays can produce cloud? No," he told BBC News.

Yep, it's a "Long and Winding Road" for "det er de kosmisk strålinger der styrer klimaet" teori. Jo mere der forskes jo mere der bliver afsløret at selvom der er noget at kik på på undervejs er vejen lukket mht. at det er 'SVARET' til klodens sidste 50års opvarmning.

25-08-2011 14:49
Jeg læste en artikel for nogle år tilbage, den handlede om 'sorte' og 'hvide' skyer... hvor den sorte sky var bygget på få kondensationskerner og meget vanddamp, den hvide sky var bygget på mange kondensationskerner og lidt vanddamp og derved blev de enkelte dråber mindre og dermed lysere, p.g.a. lysets reflektioner..... men den hvide sky havde ganske små kondensationskerner op til 25 km væk fra skyen.

Eller var de stadigvæk for små til at danne dråber ?
25-08-2011 16:19
GLAR skrev:
Jeg læste en artikel for nogle år tilbage, den handlede om 'sorte' og 'hvide' skyer... hvor den sorte sky var bygget på få kondensationskerner og meget vanddamp, den hvide sky var bygget på mange kondensationskerner og lidt vanddamp og derved blev de enkelte dråber mindre og dermed lysere, p.g.a. lysets reflektioner..... men den hvide sky havde ganske små kondensationskerner op til 25 km væk fra skyen.

Eller var de stadigvæk for små til at danne dråber ?

Det kræver nok en størrelse som svare til lysets bølgelænge før at man kan se en sky. Det må betyde at de fleste skyer er usynlige. Torden skyer er sorte fordi dråberne er så store at de opfanger alt lyset.

02-09-2011 20:26
Intressant experiment: 'Giant pipe and balloon to pump water into the sky in climate experiment'
24-02-2012 08:17
THE INDEPENDANT: Large areas of open ocean starved of oxygen (21/2-12)

Large regions of the open ocean are being starved of oxygen because of warmer sea temperatures according to studies showing that fish and other marine creatures are moving into narrower habitats to avoid suffocation.

Warmer sea temperatures increase stratification, where warm, stagnant bodies of surface water sit on top of cooler water and prevent the normal mixing that results from the vertical circulation currents of the ocean, said Professor Lisa Levin of the Scripps Institution of Oceanography in La Jolla, California.

"These low oxygen zones are also low pH [more acidic] zones because the same process that reduces oxygen, that is respiration, also produces carbon dioxide which reduces pH," Professor Levin said.

"A key feature of these low oxygen, low pH zones is their narrow biodiversity and although these areas do occur naturally, they are expanding with low-oxygen areas moving up into shallow water," she told the American Association for the Advancement of Science.

Deep-water temperature gauges off Spitsbergen in the Arctic and in the Southern Ocean near the Antarctic have recorded temperature increases of between 0.03C and 0.5C, and as much as 1C, which is highly significant for a a stable environment that does not change at all from one century to the next, she said.

Vh rick

Vi har hørt varslerne. Klokken tikker....Informerede valg.
27-02-2012 22:13
SCIENCE DAILY: Arctic Sea Ice Decline May Be Driving Snowy Winters Seen in Northern Hemisphere in Recent Years (27/2-12)


Since the level of Arctic sea ice set a new record low in 2007, significantly above-normal winter snow cover has been seen in large parts of the northern United States, northwestern and central Europe, and northern and central China. During the winters of 2009-2010 and 2010-2011, the Northern Hemisphere measured its second and third largest snow cover levels on record.

"Our study demonstrates that the decrease in Arctic sea ice area is linked to changes in the winter Northern Hemisphere atmospheric circulation," said Judith Curry, chair of the School of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences at Georgia Tech. "The circulation changes result in more frequent episodes of atmospheric blocking patterns, which lead to increased cold surges and snow over large parts of the northern continents."

BBC: Melting Arctic link to cold, snowy UK winters (27/2-12)

Vh rick

Vi har hørt varslerne. Klokken tikker....Informerede valg.
27-02-2012 23:36
Arctic Sea Ice Decline May Be Driving Snowy Winters...

- hvorfor ikke hellere ta' den rene vare?:

Global Warming Could Cool Down Northern Temperatures in Winter

- så er vi jo alligevel næsten helt ovre i Orwell:

War is peace. Freedom is slavery. Ignorance is strength...
28-02-2012 05:32
Jep. Warming is cooling. Climate is weather. Experts are idiots. Science is fiction.

It's a funny old world, isn't it?
11-03-2012 10:39
ASSOCIATED PRESS: Great Lakes ice cover diminishes 71 percent since 1973 due in part to climate change (10/3-12)
06-04-2012 09:39
Two oceanographers from NOAA and the University of Washington find that Antarctic Bottom Water has been disappearing at an average rate of about eight million metric tons per second over the past few decades, equivalent to about fifty times the average flow of the Mississippi River or about a quarter of the flow of the Gulf Stream in the Florida Straits.

"Because of its high density, Antarctic Bottom Water fills most of the deep ocean basins around the world, but we found that the amount of this water has been decreasing at a surprisingly fast rate over the last few decades," said lead author Sarah Purkey, graduate student at the School of Oceanography at the University of Washington in Seattle, Wash. "In every oceanographic survey repeated around the Southern Ocean since about the 1980s, Antarctic Bottom Water has been shrinking at a similar mean rate, giving us confidence that this surprisingly large contraction is robust."

SCIENCE DAILY: Amount of Coldest Antarctic Water Near Ocean Floor Decreasing for Decades (3/4-12)

The world's deep ocean currents play a critical role in transporting heat and carbon around the planet, thus regulating our climate.

While previous studies have shown that the bottom water has been warming and freshening over the past few decades, these new results suggest that significantly less of this bottom water has been formed during that time than in previous decades

Vh rick

Vi har hørt varslerne. Klokken tikker....Informerede valg.
30-04-2012 20:30
EGU 2012: glaciers playing catch-up set to lose 40% of their ice

For the world's glaciers and ice caps to catch up with the temperatures of the last ten years, they need to lose 38% of their ice volume, on average, and 30% of their area. That's equivalent to 228 mm of sea-level rise over the next few decades, even without any additional climate change, according to Sebastian Mernild of Los Alamos National Laboratory, US, who presented his work at the EGU 2012 meeting in Vienna.

Mernild studied the mass balance of 124 glaciers and 19 icecaps worldwide, using three averaging methods. The results compared well with earlier studies, which incorporated fewer glaciers, he said.

In Central Europe, Svalbard and Greenland, glaciers and ice caps were more out of balance with their surroundings than the global average. Mernild reckons that glaciers in the Alps are likely to lose most of their mass by 2100.

If recent climate trends continue, by around 2040 glaciers and ice caps will lose at least half of their volume.

" around 2040... ice caps will lose at least half of their volume" ??

Vh rick

Vi har hørt varslerne. Klokken tikker....Informerede valg.
01-05-2012 10:44
For the world's glaciers and ice caps to catch up with the temperatures of the last ten years, they need to lose...

- tjaeh?:

09-05-2012 14:18
SCIENCE DAILY: New Research Brings Satellite Measurements and Global Climate Models Closer (7/5-12)

One popular climate record that shows a slower atmospheric warming trend than other studies contains a data calibration problem, and when the problem is corrected the results fall in line with other records and climate models, according to a new University of Washington study.

They identified a problem with the satellite temperature record put together by the University of Alabama in Huntsville. Researchers there were the first to release such a record, in 1989, and it has often been cited by climate change skeptics to cast doubt on models that show the impact of greenhouse gases on global warming.
09-05-2012 14:55
John Niclasen
Så hvis det er rigtigt, er der fundet 0,21 F temperaturstigning i stedet for 0,13 F pr. årti, en forskel på 0,08 F svarende til 0,04 C. Som hvad? Et gennemsnit for hele det tropiske område?

Det er vist umærkeligt lidt.
09-05-2012 15:13
Det er vist umærkeligt lidt

- emnet behandles her. En typisk kommentar (ud af p.t. 140) lyder:

So, if you don't like what the data shows, just change the data?
09-05-2012 21:10
En typisk kommentar (ud af p.t. 140)

Ja, jeg kan godt forstå du gad ikke læse længere end den tredje

Som de plejer er UWTW kommentarer ret forudsigelige. Lige så gennemsyret af 'sammensværgelses teorier' som de er tom for substans.

TUWW på mange måder ligner mere og mere internetets Nord Korea
10-05-2012 11:51
John Niclasen
rick_uk skrev:
SCIENCE DAILY: New Research Brings Satellite Measurements and Global Climate Models Closer (7/5-12)

Svar fra John R. Christy and Roy W. Spencer: Our Response to Recent Criticism of the UAH Satellite Temperatures (May 9th, 2012)

In conclusion, we believe that the result in PCF was a rather uninformed attempt to find fault with the UAH global temperature dataset
23-05-2012 09:32
SCIENCE DAILY: Dry Lands Getting Drier, Wet Getting Wetter: Earth's Water Cycle Intensifying With Atmospheric Warming (21/5-12)

A clear change in salinity has been detected in the world's oceans, signalling shifts and an acceleration in the global rainfall and evaporation cycle.

In a paper just published in the journal Science, Australian scientists from the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO) and the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, California, reported changing patterns of salinity in the global ocean during the past 50 years, marking a clear fingerprint of climate change.

"Salinity shifts in the ocean confirm climate and the global water cycle have changed....These changes suggest that arid regions have become drier and high rainfall regions have become wetter in response to observed global warming," said Dr Durack, a post-doctoral fellow at the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory

Dr Durack said the patterns are not uniform, with regional variations agreeing with the 'rich get richer' mechanism, where wet regions get wetter and dry regions drier.......a change in freshwater availability in response to climate change poses a more significant risk to human societies and ecosystems than warming alone

Fed min

Vh rick

Vi har hørt varslerne. Klokken tikker....Informerede valg.
23-05-2012 10:07
...regional variations agreeing with the 'rich get richer' mechanism, where wet regions get wetter and dry regions drier...

- så moralen er: Naturen er ikke socialdemokratisk!
30-06-2012 12:36
Greenland Ice Sheet Getting Darker (10/1-12)

Latest Greenland ice sheet reflectivity (25/6-12)

Greenland ice sheet reflectivity at record low, particularly at high elevations (25/6-12)

Vh rick

Vi har hørt varslerne. Klokken tikker....Informerede valg.
03-07-2012 09:55
Higgins, S.I. & Scheiter, S., 2012. Atmospheric CO2 forces abrupt vegetation shifts locally, but not globally. Nature (in press).

".. we show that increasing atmospheric CO2 concentration will force transitions to vegetation states characterized by higher biomass and/or woody-plant dominance".
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