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Film som deltager i klimadebatten

Film som deltager i klimadebatten04-10-2013 15:51
Danish film director Jannik Splidsboel travels to Maremma in Italy to make a film about the area and the people living there.

During his stay he discovers that the local farmers are facing severe economic problems. Some try to avoid bankruptcy by selling their homes to city slickers, while keeping the land for themselves.

But those same farmers have secretly agreed to rent out their fields to one of the world's largest solar panel companies and by doing so are ruining the local area for those who bought the old farmhouses. Suddenly Jannik finds himself in the middle of a local war.

Filmen deltager i diverse filmfestivaller i landet (CPH
IC, Aarhus Film festival)

~thomas wernberg
Redigeret d. 04-10-2013 15:53
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