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Forkortelser i international klimadebat

Forkortelser i international klimadebat17-07-2009 18:01
Frank Lansner
Udmærket lille redskab:

14C, 12C_______Isotopes of Carbon
AAO____________Antarctic Oscillation
ABD____________Age Band Decomposition (tree ring standardisation method)
AC1____________Lag-one autocorrelation
ACE____________Accumulated Cyclone Energy
ACR____________Atlantic Cylclogensis Region (cyclones)
AFAIK__________As far as I know
AGCM___________Atmospheric General Circulation Model
AGG____________Anthropogenic Greenhouse Gas
AGU____________American Geophysical Union
AGW____________Anthropogenic Global Warming
AIT____________An Inconvenient Truth (TV documentary)
AMIP___________Atmospheric Model Intercomparison Project
AO_____________Arctic Oscillation
AOGCM__________Atmospheric/Ocean General Circulation Model
AR4____________Fourth Assessment Report (IPCC)
ARIMA__________Auto Regressive Integrated Moving Average model or process
ARMA___________Auto Regressive Moving Average model or process
Atm____________Atmosphere, atmospheric
AU_____________Astronomical Unit (average distance of the Earth from the Sun)
AVHRR__________Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometers
BADC___________British Atmospheric Data Centre
BAU____________"Business-as-Usual", IPCC scenario
BC_____________Black Carbon (climate forcing)
BE_____________Baroclinically Enhanced (cyclones)
BEST___________Bivariate ENSO Timeseries
Bin-And-Pin____Dividing data into bins, and then pinning the endpoints when averaging
BTW____________By the way …
CA_____________ClimateAudit website
CAR____________Caribbean SST Index
CC_____________Carbon Credit
CC_____________Climate Change
CCN____________Cloud Condensation Nuclei
CDIAC__________Carbon Dioxide Information Analysis Center
CFC____________chlorofluorocarbon, e.g., ClCF3
CI, 95%CI______Confidence Interval, 95% Confidence Interval
Climax_________Cosmic ray detector in Climax, Colorado
CMAP___________Climate Modeling, Analysis, and Prediction study
CME____________Coronal Mass Ejection (solar phenomenon)
CMIP___________Coupled Model Intercomparison Project
CO ____________Carbon Monoxide ( Poison)
CO2____________Carbon Dioxide
CoP____________Climate of the Past
CP_____________Cloud top pressure
CPC____________National Weather Service Climate Prediction Center (US)
CPS......................Composite-plus-Scale – a common paleo reconstruction technique in which proxies are standardized to mean 0, sd 1, then averaged and then the average is re-scaled to match the mean and sd of the "target" temperature series
CPSST__________Cross Product Sea Surface Temperature
CRU____________Climate Research Unit attached to the University of East Anglia, UK
CRUTEM_________Land Temperature Record from CRU
CSIRO__________Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (Australia)
CSM____________NCAR GCM, includes CSM2 and CSM3
CT_____________Cloud top temperature
CVM____________Composite plus Variance Method (for analyzing proxies)
delta____Net change in a value
DJF____________December, January, February (winter)
DLW____________Downwelling Long Wave radiation
DMS____________Dimethyl Sulfide, a precursor of various atmospheric sulfur compounds
dO18, ∂O18_____Change in oxygen-18 isotope level
DOE____________Department of Energy (US)
DW_____________Durbin-Watson statistic
EBM____________Energy Balance Model
ECMWF__________European Centre for Midrange Weather Forecast Model
EE_____________Energy and Environment (journal)
EEP____________Eastern Equatorial Pacific
ENSO___________El Nino Southern Oscillation
EOF____________Empirical Orthogonal Factor
EPA____________Environmental Protection Agency (US)
EPAC___________Eastern Pacific
ERBE___________Earth Radiation Balance Experiment
FAR____________Fourth Assessment Report (IPCC)
FOI, FOIA______Freedom Of Information Act
FOS___________Full Of Sh!t
FWIW___________For What Its Worth
GCM____________General Circulation Model (sometimes said to be Global Climate Model)
GCR____________Galactic Cosmic Ray
GCR____________Galactic Cosmic Radiation
GDD____________Growing Degree Day (agriculture)
GFS____________Global Forecast System model
GGWS, TGGWS____The Great Global Warming Swindle (TV documentary)
GHCN___________Global Historical Climate Network
GHG____________Green House Gases
GISS___________Goddard Institute for Space Studies, also their temperature datase
GISSE__________One of the GISS GCMs, which include E, F20, F23, M20, etc.
GLRIP__________Global Lake and River Ice Phenology database
GOM____________Gulf of Mexico
GPCP___________Global Precipitation Climatology Project
GPP____________Global Primary Production, total uptake of carbon by plant leaves
GPS____________Global Positioning System
GRL____________Geophysical Research Letters (journal)
Gt_____________Giga-tonne, 10^9 tonnes
GW_____________Global Warming
Gw_____________Giga-watt (10^9 watts)
GWD____________Gravity Wave Drag
HadCRUT________Combined land sea temperature database from the CRU
HadISST________Ice coverage and SST database from CRU
HadSST_________Sea temperature database from the CRU
HALOE__________Halogen Occultation Experiment
HCFC___________Hydrochlorofluorocarbon, E.G., Hcclf2
Hockey Team____Mann, Bradley, Hughes, Esper, Briffa, Schmidt, Thompson, those who support the Hockeystick
hPa____________hecto Pascals (pressure measurement)
HS_____________Hockeystick, see MBH98
HTM____________Holocene Thermal Maximum
IANAR or (D)——–I Am Not A Republican (Democrat)
IANAL__________I am not a lawyer
IANAS__________I am not a statistician
IB_____________Inverted Barometer (sea level)
ICOADS_________International Comprehensive Ocean-Atmosphere Data Set
IIRC___________If I recall correctly
IMF____________Interplanetary Magnetic Field
IMHO___________In my humble opinion
INVR___________Inverse Regression (reconstruction method)
IO_____________Indian Ocean
IPCC___________Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
IR_____________Infra-red (radiation)
ISCCP__________International Satellite Cloud Climatology Project
ITCZ___________Inter-Tropical Convergence Zone
ITRDB__________International Tree Ring Databank
J Clim_________Journal of Climate (journal)
Jason__________Radar sea level measuring satellite
JJA____________June, July, August (summer)
Jones__________Phil Jones of CRU
JPL____________Jet Propulsion Laboratory (US)
K/T____________Kiehl/Trenberth global energy balance model
Ka_____________Kilo annum (1,000 years)
LIA____________Little Ice Age (Maunder Minimum)
LOL.....................Laughing out loud
Lowess, loess__Locally Weighted Scatterplot Smoothing (mathematics)
LW_____________Longwave (infrared) "greenhouse" radiation
M&M____________Steve McIntyre and Ross McKitrick
MAM____________March, April, May (spring)
Mannomatic_____Michael Mann's mathematical method used in MBH98
MBH98__________The Mann/Bradley/Hughes 1998 Hockeystick study
MCSST__________Multi-Channel Sea Surface Temperature
MEI____________Multivariate ENSO Index
MEM____________Maximum Entropy Spectral Method (mathematics)
Mg/Ca__________Magnesium/Calcium seashell proxy record
MJO____________Madden-Julian Oscillation
MLO____________Mauna Loa, CO2 measuring station
MM_____________Maunder Minimum
MODIS__________Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (satellite instrument)
MOHSST6________Met Office Historical Sea Surface Temperature (UK)
MSL____________Mean Sea Level
MSU____________Microwave Sounding Unit (satellite instrument for temperature measurement)
MWP____________Medieval Warming Period
MXD____________Maximum Latewood Density (tree rings)
N2O____________Nitrous Oxide
NAO____________North Atlantic Oscillation
NAS____________National Academy of Science (US)
NASA___________National Aeronautic and Space Agency
NATL___________North Atlantic
NCDC___________National Climate Data Center
NCEP___________National Centers for Environmental Prediction (US)
NGO____________Non-Governmental Organization
NH_____________Northern Hemisphere
NIO____________North Indian Ocean
NIR____________Near Infra-red (radiation)
NLSST__________Non-Linear SST
NMAT___________Nighttime Marine Air Temperature
NOAA___________National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
NOAMER_________North America
NOI____________Northern Oscillation Index
NOx____________Nitric Oxide (means the number of oxygens varies: 1,2,2.5)
NP_____________North Pacific Pattern Index
NSF____________National Science Foundation (US)
NSIDC__________National Snow and Ice Data Center
NTA____________North Tropical Atlantic Index
NVAP___________NASA Water Vapor Project
O2_____________Oxygen Gas
OC_____________Organic Carbon
OM_____________Organic Matter (diesel pollution component)
ONI____________Oceanic Nino Index
PBL____________Planetary Boundary Layer
PCA____________Principle Component Analysis, used by Mann to create the Hockeystick
PCR____________Pacific Cyclogenesis Region (cyclones)
PCs____________Principle Components
PDI____________Power Dissipation Index (cyclones)
PDO____________Pacific Decadal Oscillation
Pg_____________Peta-gram, 10^15 grams, 1 Pg = 1 Gt
PGR____________Post Glacial Rebound of continents previously covered by ice (sea level)
PNAS___________Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (journal)
PPT____________Powerpoint Presentation
PSMSL__________Permanent Service for the Mean Sea Level
QBO____________Quasi-Biennial Oscillation
R______________"R" computer language
r.m.s._________Root-Mean-Squared (Sqrt[Sum-Of-N (Errors^2))/N])
R^2, r squared_Predictive power of a model, varies between zero and one
RC_____________RealClimate website
RCS____________Regional Curve Standardisation tree ring standardisation method
RLR____________Revised Local Reference (sea level)
RSS____________Remote Sensing Systems, Inc.
RW_____________Ring Width (tree rings)
SAR____________Second Assessment Report (IPCC)
SAT____________Surface Air Temperature
SD_____________Standard Deviation
SEM____________Standard Error of the Mean
SF6____________Sulfur Hexafluoride (a very dense, inert gas)
SH_____________Southern Hemisphere
SI_____________Supplemental Information
sigma_________Standard Deviation term
SIO____________Southern Indian Ocean
SLP____________Sea Level Pressure
SO2____________Sulfur Dioxide (becomes SO3 in air)
SO3____________Sulfur Trioxide (becomes Sulfuric Acid in humid air)
SOI____________Southern Oscillation Index
SOI____________Supplemental Online Information
SON____________September, October, November (Autumn)
SPAC___________South Pacific
SPM____________Summary for Policymakers (IPCC)
SQA____________Software Quality Assurance
SS_____________Sea Salt (climate forcing)
SSA____________Singular Spectrum Analysis (mathematics)
SST____________Sea Surface Temperature
Sv_____________Sverdrup (flow rate = 1 million cubic meters per second)
SW_____________Shortwave (solar) radiation
TAR____________Third Assessment Report (IPCC)
Tg_____________Tera-gram, 10^12 grams
TGGWS, GGWS____The Great Global Warming Swindle (TV4 (UK) documentary)
THC____________Thermohaline Circulation
TIROS__________Television Infrared Observation Satellite
TLT____________Temperature Lower Troposphere
TMT____________Temperature Middle Troposphere
TNA____________Tropical North Atlantic Index
TNI____________Trans-Nino Index
TOA____________Top Of Atmosphere
TOMS___________Total Ozone Mapping Spectrometer (satellite instrument)
TOPEX__________Radar sea level measuring satellite
TOVS___________Operational Vertical Sounder (satellite instrument)
TRW____________Tree Ring Width
TSA____________Tropical South Atlantic Index
TSI____________Total Solar Irradiance
Tsurf__________Surface Temperature
Tw_____________Tera-watt (10^12 watts)
TWTW___________The Week That Was, Dr. Fred Singer's newsletter
UAH____________University of Alabama Huntsville
UCAR___________University Corporation for Atmospheric Research
UHI____________Urban Heat Island
USHCN__________United States Historical Climate Network
UTH____________Upper Tropospheric Humidity
UV_____________Ultra-violet (radiation)
V&V____________Verification and Validation (for computer code)
WUWT___________WattsUpWithThat website
W/m2, W m-2____Watts/meter squared, a measure of radiation
WDCG___________World Data Centre for Greenhouse Gases
WDCP___________World Data Center for Paleoclimatology
WEP____________Western Equatorial Pacific
WG1____________Working Group 1 (IPCC)
WHWP___________Western Hemisphere Warm Pool
WMO____________World Meteorological Organization
WP_____________Warm Pool
WPAC___________Western Pacific

Vindmøller er IN!! Vedvarende energi er IN!!!
Men vi må aldrig ofre åben og sund videnskab - heller ikke når det gælder klima.
17-07-2009 18:03
Frank Lansner
Og her en alternativ fra Climate Audit:
17-07-2009 19:17
Fint. Jeg har jo selv lavet en lignende liste til her, der både omhandler videnskab og politik, og som også inddrager danske forkortelser.

Der er en del overlap. Du må dog meget gerne skrive et svar i tråden, hvis du har forslag til tilføjelser, dvs. forkortelser der bliver brugt så ofte, at de må betegnes som centrale, også i debatten her på siden.

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