Lidt om generelle fremskridt16-05-2023 14:43 | |
Euro★★★☆☆ (618) |
I store træk glemmer danskerne tit at der er andet end vind og solenergi som alternativer til kul og olie. Jeg har en gang imellem en fornemmelse af, at kun ganske få tror på, at der findes andre energiformer og dermed måder at frembringe det på. F.eks. er der i august måned den årlige conference for LENR energi som afholdes i Polen. Det er så tæt på at det næsten er en skændsel, hvis ikke det danske energiministerium deltager for at se hvad andre arbejder med. Når Danmark beslutter sig for at investere enorme summer i vindenergi, så gør vi det fuldstændig i blinde. Vi mangler rådgivning om hvad andre kan og hvad (hvor lidt) de mangler for at være market ready. F.eks. er jeg faldet over en udtalelse fra 2021, hvor flere forskere sammen, siger at f.eks. Japan er rigtig langt fremme med en type energi, der så vidt jeg forstår skabes ved kemisk reaktion, men meget minder om LENR. De siger det giver klimavenlig energi til meget lave priser. Inexpensive Green Energy [ref. 92 - Bushnell, Dennis M., "Summary of Frontier Energetics", NASA/TM-20210026699, 2021] – There are three major technologies under development which will simultaneously essentially "solve" climate, reduce the cost of energy, enable the redesign of many systems, enable greater functionalities, enable us to become "energy rich" and more society friendly via reduced noise, provide far greater range/longevity of operation, reduced pollution and fewer ecosystem adverse impacts. These approaches are the renewables/storage combinations, halophytes/salt plants, and the Japanese Low Energy Nuclear Reactions (LENR). LENR – The Japanese have apparently determined how to scale LENR, low energy nuclear reactions, creating weak nuclear force reactions, not cold Fusion, at some 10,000 times chemical energy density. This has no radiation, is a long lasting heat battery, and there are many ways to ever more efficiently convert the heat to electricity. The associated costs are low and size/weight is small. The scaling cited by a Japanese firm is in the range which would essentially and inexpensively "solve climate" and reduce energy costs, increase operational range. There are two types of LENR reactions, and NASA seems to understand how these two types are different. One is lattice assisted fusion. This type is what NASA is sponsoring in their R&D. This type produces nuclear effects and nuclear based byproducts like neutrons, gamma rays and unstable isotopes. The type that NASA is referring here in this post is the Vacuum based reaction where " creating weak nuclear force reactions, not cold Fusion", These two types of LENR reaction can transform into one another. Lattice assisted fusion can become the vacuum based reaction type when a weak LENR reaction gains enough strength to become the vacuum based reaction where coherence of the reaction develops. Furthermore, the two LENR reaction types can sometimes coexert and really confuse things. The cold fusion type of reaction is a nonstarter in that this reaction is so weak that no usable energy production is produced since the reaction is so weak. A strong energy creating reaction is the coherent superconductive Vacuum based reaction. This reaction produces usable amounts of energy, but its mechanism of non-nuclear based action is completely different from the cold fusion type of reaction. |
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