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Southern Ocean: Sea Surface Temperature and Sea Ice Area - links II
Southern Ocean: Sea Surface Temperature and Sea Ice Area - links II23-08-2014 07:28 |
kfl★★★★★ (2167) |
Southern Ocean: Sea Surface Temperature and Sea Ice Area - links II
Definition af begreber: Wikipedia: Measurement of sea ice
Wikipedia: Sea Surface Temperature
Wikipedia:Ekman Transport
NASA: Ocean in Motion: Ekman Transport Background
Wikipedia: Polar vortex
Wikipedia: Antarctic oscillation -SAM
Wikipedia:Ozone Depletion
Wikipedia:Antarctica: The Wild Westerlies and The Coastal (Polar) Easterlies
Wikipedia: Antarctic Intermediate Water
Wikipedia:Teleconnection in Atmospheric sciences
Link til data og beskrivelser: NCAR/UCAR:Climate data guide 167 data set:
Met Office Hadley Centre observations datasets
KNMI:Climate Explorer
Mann: 2,000 Year Hemispheric Multi-proxy Temperature Reconstructions
Global Surface Temperatures over the Past Two Millennia
Link til artikler Hannah Hinckey:Stronger winds explain puzzling growth of sea ice in Antarctica
Liz O'Connell:Against the odds Antarctic sea ice is growing– here's why
DMI:Ozonhul og opvarmning stimulerer den antarktiske havis
Eisenman:Sudden increase in Antarctic sea ice:Fact or artifact?
Tingting Fan:Recent sea ice tends in context of Southern Ocean Surface climate variation since 1950
Bintanja:Important role for ocean warming and increased ice-shelf melt in Antarctic sea-ice expansion
Xichen Li:Impacts of the north and tropical Atlantic Ocean on the Antarctic Peninsula and sea ice
Megha Maheshwari: An Investigation of the Southern Ocean Surface Temperature Variability Using Long-Term Optimum Interpolation SST Data
Eisenman:A spurious jump in the satellite record: has Antarctic sea ice expansion been overestimated?
Qui Shu et al:Sea ice trends in the Antarctic and their relationship to surface air temperature during 1979–2009 .
NSIDC: Why is there so much Antarctic sea ice?
Raphael Neukom Climate variability in the southern hemisphere
SAM – Southern Annular Mode Bureau of Meteorology, Australian Government: The Southern Annular Mode (SAM)
Garet J. Marshall: Trends in the Southern Annular Mode from Observations and Reanalyses
New Scientist: Antarctic wind vortex is strongest for 1000 years
Julie M. Arblaster:Contributions of External Forcings to Southern Annular Mode Trends
Abram, N.J.: Southern Annular Mode (SAM) Index 1000 Year Reconstruction, World Data Center for Paleoclimatology, Boulder ....
M.Ho: The Southern Annular Mode: a comparison of indices
Krüger:Do tropical volcanic eruptions influence the Southern Annular Mode?
Do large tropical volcanic eruptions influence the Southern Annular Mode?
Guojian Wang:Climate-change impact on the 20th-century relationship between the Southern Annular Mode and global mean temperature
Rachel Sullivan:Stronger winds chilling Australia's rainfall
Julien P. Nicolas New reconstruction of Antarctic near-surface temperature
GOOSE: Antarctic temperature changes during the last millennium: evaluation of simulations and reconstructions
The Antarctic Climate & Ecosystems Cooperative Research Centre 2009.Position analysis: changes to Antarctic sea ice: impacts
Law Dome What ice cores from Law Dome can tell us about past and current climates
Vulkaner Klemetti:The Mysterious Missing Eruption of 1258 A.D.
Antarctica Temperature Development NewScientist:Even Antarctica is now feeling the heat of climate change
NewScientist:Antarctic ice shelf 'hanging by a thread
Link til artikler fra WUWT WUWT & Lanser: Another Antarctic sea ice record set – but excuses abound.
WUWT:Sea Ice Page
Claim:Antarctic polynyas to disappear, yet some are still found in satellite imagery
Link til artikler fra Skeptical Science Skeptical Science: Antarctica losing or gaining ice?
Skeptical Science: Why is southern sea ice increasing?
Skeptical Science: Error identified in satellite record may have overestimated Antarctic sea ice expansion.
Link til artikler fra Open Mind Tamino:Antarctic Sea Ice Increase
Definitioner Havene omkring Antarktis: Indian Ocean: (20E-90E,60S-90S) Pacific Ocean: (90E-160E,60S-90S) Ross Sea: (160E-230E,60S-90S) ABS Sea: (230E-300E,60S-90S) Weddel Sea: (300E-380E,60S-90S)
KFL Vær skeptisk over for skeptikerne.... Det er der grund til.
Redigeret d. 23-08-2014 07:35 |
01-12-2014 10:40 |
kfl★★★★★ (2167) |
Edward Hanna:Antarctic sea ice expands to record extent - and it's deeper than we thought |
01-12-2014 12:50 |
Morten Riber★★★★★ (2298) |
Det er rimeligt at antage at den tykkere is ved Antarktis er et udtryk for at feed back processerne vil nu vil tage fat for alvor! (Frit citeret fra slutningen af artiklen, af mig)
Ha ha, det er virkelig lårklaskende grinagtigt. At havisen er blevet tykkere, samtidig med at opvarmningen ser ud til at være stagneret, er netop et bevis på at feed back processerne i forvejen er tildelt en helt absurd rolle. DET ville være rimeligt at antage, hvis man evner at tænke bare en lille bitte smule klart. Men nej da, ikke hos klimaforskerne!
Redigeret d. 01-12-2014 12:51 |
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