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Af Catharina Magdalena Merle Toft
Artiklen er en del af et universitetsspeciale fra 2011.

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Andonova, Liliana B.; Betsill, Michele M. & Bulkeley, Harriet (2009): Transnational Climate Governance. Global Environmental Politics. Vol 9, Nr. 2, ss 52-73.

Andonova, Liliana B. (2009): The climate regime and domestic politics: the case of Russia. I: Paul G. Harris. The Politics of Climate Change. Environmental Dynamics in International Affairs.

Aldy, Joseph E. & Stavins, Robert N. (2007): Architectures for Agreement. Addressing Global Climate Change in the Post-Kyoto World.

Baer, Paul; Fieldman, Glenn; Athanasiou, Tom & Karta, Sivan (2009): Greenhouse Development Rights: towards an equitable framework for global climate policy. I: Paul G. Harris: The Politics of Climate Change. Environmental Dynamics in International Affairs.

Barnett, Jon (2008): The Worst of Friends: OPEC and G-77 in the Climate Regime. Global Environmental Politics. Vol 8, Nr 4, ss 1-8.

Betsill, Michele M. & Corell, Elisabeth (2001): Influence in International Environmental Negotiations: A Framework for Analysis. Global Environmental Politics. Vol 1, Nr 4, ss 65 – 85.

Boston, Jonthan (ed.) (2007): Towards a New Global Climate Treaty. Looking beyond 2012. Institute of Political Studies. Victoria University of Wellington. New Zealand.

Bourdieu, Pierre (1986): The forms of capital. I: J. Richardson (Ed.) Handbook of Theory and Research for the Sociology of Education. New York: Greenwood.

Buzan, Barry (1991): People, States and Fear: An Agenda for Security Studies in the Post-Cold War Era, 2. Ed. Longman.

Buzan, Barry; Wæver, Ole & de Wilde, Jass (1998): Security – a new framework for analysis. Boulder, Lynne Rienner Publishers.

Buzan, Barry & Wæver, Ole (2003): Regions and Powers – The Structure of International Security. Cambridge University Press.

Chasek, Pamela S.; Downie, David L. & Brown, Janet Welsh (2006): Global Environmental Politics, 4th ed. Westview Press.

Christoff, Peter (2008): The Bali Roadmap: Climate change, COP 13 and beyond. Environmental Politics. Vol. 17, Nr. 3, ss 466-272.

Churie, Gunnar Sjöstedt & Corell, Elixabeth (ed.): Global Challenges. Furthering the Multilateral Process for Sustainable Development. Greenleaf Publishing. Ss 124-144.

Climate and Atmosphere (24. december 2009): Climate Change Conference “takes note” of Copenhagen Accord. MEA Bulletin. Nr. 83.

Corell, Elisabeth & Betsill, Michele M. (2001): A Comparative Look at NGO Influence in International Environmental Negotiations: Desertification and Climate Change. Global Environmental Politics. Vol 1, Nr. 4, ss 86 – 107.

Dalby, Simon (2009): Security and Environmental Change.

Deudney, Daniel (1990): The case Against Linking Environmental Degradation and national Security. Millenium: Journal of Interntional Studies. Vol 19, Nr. 3, ss 461-476.

Dryzek, John S. (2005): The Politics of the Earth. Environmental Discourses. Oxford University Press. 2nd ed.

EU Kommissionen og Det europæiske Råd (2008): Klimaændringer og den internationale sikkerhed.

Fauerholdt, Casper. (24. august 2011): Luftforurening koster os milliarder. København: Jyllands-Posten.

Haas, Peter M. (2008): Climate Change Governance after Bali. Global Environmental Politics. Vol. 8, Nr. 3, ss 1-7.

Harris, Paul G. (2009): The Politics of Climate Change. Environmental Dynamics in International Affairs.

Homer-Dixon, Thomas F. (1994): Environmental Scarcities and Violent Conflict: Evidence from Cases. International Security. Col. 19, Nr. 1, ss 5-40.

IPPC (2007): Climate Change 2007: Synthesis Report. Summary for Policymakers.

Jackson, Robert & Sørensen, Georg (2003): Introduction to International Relations – Theories and Approaches. 2nd ed. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Jørgensen, Marianne Winther & Philips, Louise (1999): Diskursanalyse som teori og metode. Roskilde universitetsforlag.

Klimapolitik. Politik. Nr. 1, Årg 12:2009.

Laclau, Ernesto & Mouffe, Chantal (1985): Hegemony and Socialist Strategy; Towards a Radical Democratic Politics.

Laclau, Ernesto & Mouffe, Chantal (1997): Demokrati & hegemoni.

Lidegaard, Martin (16. juli 2011): Fremtidens konflikter er her allerede. København: Politiken.

Loewenstein, George & Schwartz, Daniel (2010): Nothing to Fear but a Lack of Fear: Climate Change and the Fear Deficit. I: G8 G20 Magazine. Salt Lake City: The CAT Company Publishers.

Najam, Adil (2005): A tale of three cities: developing countries in global environmental negotiations.

Nielsen, Jørgen Steen (21. september 2010): ‘Man laver revolution ved at nogle løber foran’. København: Information

Okereke, Chukwumerije; Bulkeley, Harriet & Schroeder, Heike ( 2009): Conceptualizing Climate Governance Beyond the International Regime. Global Environmental Politics. Vol 9, Nr 1, ss 58-78.

Paterson, Matthew (1996): Global Warming and Global Politics.

Putnam, Robert D. (1988): Diplomacy and domestic politics: the logic of two-level games. International Organization. Vol. 42, Nr. 3, ss 427-460.

Ritzau (25. marts 2011): 134 lande hylder klimaet ved at slukke lys. København: B.T.

Robert, Timmons & Parks, Bradley C. (2006): A Climate of Injustice: Global Inequality, North-South Politics and Climate Policy. MIT Press.

Robert, Timmons & Parks, Bradley C. (2009): Inequality and the global climate regime: breaking the north-south impasse. I: Paul G. Harris: The Politics of Climate Change. Environmental Dynamics in International Affairs.

Scheel, Agnete Finnemann (19. august 2011): Verdens dyr flygter fra varmen. København: Berlingske.

Scott, Shirley V. (2009): Securitizing climate change: international legal implications and obstacles. I: Paul G. Harris: The Politics of Climate Change. Environmental Dynamics in International Affairs.

Skodvin, Tora & Andersen, Steiner (2006): Part One: Negotiating International Environmental Regimes. Leadership Revisited. Global Environmental Politics. Vol. 6, Nr. 3, ss 13- 27.

Stern Review (2006): The Economics of Climate Change. Executive Summary.

Stokke, Olav Schram; Hovi, Jon & Ulfstein, Geir (2005): Implementing the Climate Regime. International Compliance. London. ss 1-50.

Stritzel, Holger (2007): Towards a Theory of Securitization: Copenhagen and Beyond. European Journal of International Relations, 13:3, ss 357-384.

Trombetta, Maria Julia (2009): Environmental Security and climate change: analyzing the discourse. I: Paul G. Harris: The Politics of Climate Change. Environmental Dynamics in International Affairs.

UN (2002): Johannesburg Summit 2002.

UN (2011): United Nations Partners on Climate Change.

UN (2011): UN System Organizational Chart.

UN (2011): Status of Ratification of the Kyoto Protocol.

UN (2011): UN at a Glance.

UN (2011): The United Nations Climate Change Conference in Durban, South Africa, COP 17 / CMP 7, 28 November – 9 December 2011

UN (1945): Charter of the United Nations.

Von Sperling, Anna (2. september 2011): Concito: Danmark er mindre grønt end vores eksportmarkeder. København: Information.

Vuori, Juha A. (2008): Illocutionary Logic and Strands of Securitization: Applying the Theory of Securitization to the Study of Non-Democratic Political Orders. Finland: Department of Political Science, University of Turku.

Williams, Michael C. (2003): Words, Images, Enemies: Securitization and International Politics. International Studies Quarterly. 47.

Wæver, Ole (1995): Securitization and Desecuritization. I: R. Lipschutz: On Security. New York: Columbia University Press.

Wæver, Ole (2009): Klimatruslen – en sikkrerhedsteoretisk analyse. Politik. 1. Årg. 12.

FCCC/CP/1995/7/Add.1 (The Berlin Mandate)
FCCC/CP/1996/15/Add.1 (The Geneva Ministerial Declaration)
FCCC/CP/1997/7/Add.1 (The Kyoto Protocol)
FCCC/CP/1998/16/Add.1 (The Buenos Aires Plan of Action)
FCCC/CP/2001/5 (The Bonn Agreements)
FCCC/CP/2006/5/Add.1 (The Marrakesh Accords)
FCCC/CP/2007/6/Add. 1
FCCC/CP/2008/7/Add. 1
FCCC/CP/2009/11/Add. 1 (The Copenhagen Accord)
FCCC/CP/2010/7/Add. 1 (The Cancun Agreements)

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