Af Anja Julia Ryhl
Artiklen er en del af et universitetsspeciale fra 2010.Litteraturliste
Andersen, Ø. (2004).
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Foust, C. R. & Murphy, W. (2009). Revealing and reframing apocalyptic tragedy in global warming discourse.
Environmental Communication, vol. 3(2), 151-167.
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Gough, S., Scott, W. & Stables, A. (2000). Beyond O’Riordan: Balancing anthropocentrism and ecocentrism.
International Research in Geographical and Environmental Education, vol. 9, 36–47.
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Environmental Communication, vol. 3(2), 244-262.
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Kollmuss, A. & Agyeman, J. (2002). Mind the gap: Why do people act environmentally and what are the barriers to pro-environmental behavior?.
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Science Education, vol. 88(1), 72-89.
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Environmental Communication, vol. 3(2), 191-205.
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Nerlich, B. & Koteyko, N. (2009). Carbon reduction activism in the UK: Lexical creativity and lexical framing in the context of climate change.
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Schweizer, S., Thompson, J. L., Teel, T. & Bruyere, B. (2009): Strategies for communicating about climate change impacts on public lands.
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