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Nyheder - Grønlands og Antarktis gletschere...

Nyheder - Grønlands og Antarktis gletschere...17-03-2007 22:46

"Some of the largest glaciers in Antarctica and Greenland are moving in unusual ways and are losing increased amounts of ice to the sea...Although the changes in Greenland appear to be related to global warming, it remains unclear what is causing the glaciers of frigid Antarctica and their "ice streams" to lose ice to the ocean in recent years, the researchers said."

"In Greenland we know there is melting associated with the ice loss, but in Antarctica we don't really know why it's happening. With so much of the world's ice captured in Antarctica, just the fact that we don't know why this is happening is a cause of some concern" said Duncan Wingham, an author of the review released today in Science magazine.

In Greenland, glaciers appear to be moving more quickly to sea because melting ice has allowed the sheet to slide more easily over the rock and dirt below. In Antarctica, the loss is believed to be associated with the breaking off into seawater of ice deep under the ice sheet with little-understood internal dynamics that put increased pressure on the massive ice streams.
Wingham said he thinks the final paper of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change will say much the same about the Antarctic. "I believe it will be along the lines of 'Something is happening beneath the ice sheets, but we don't really know what it is yet.' "

Vh rick

Vi har hørt varslerne. Klokken tikker....Informerede valg.
RE: Galopperende gletschere!17-03-2007 23:33
Her kunne jeg godt tænke mig at indsætte et link - men jeg ved ikke, om jeg kan finde ud af det!?
Nå, vi prøver: - og krydser fingre!
18-03-2007 18:24
Intressant link, tak Kosmos.
Det fik mig til at huske det her jeg så fornylig -

'Greenland: Glaciers not on simple, upward trend of melting' (12/2/07):

Det er en krøllet historie..

Vh rick

Vi har hørt varslerne. Klokken tikker....Informerede valg.

Deltag aktivt i debatten Nyheder - Grønlands og Antarktis gletschere...:

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