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Vejrkontrol/Kontrol af vejret

Vejrkontrol/Kontrol af vejret13-08-2008 05:25
Hva siger I folkens? kineserne er i fuld gang med at kontrollere vejret ifølge Wiki

Vil det snart være muligt for mennesket at lave global opvarmning med vilje..?

Umiddelbart siger jeg go!

I have never learned to fight for my freedom. I was only good at enjoying it.

Oscar van den Boogaard

You can fool some people sometimes, but you cant fool all the people all the time.

Bob Marley
13-08-2008 09:50
Kineserne har faktisk i forbindelse med åbningen af OL affyret 1200 raketter op i nogle tunge regnskyer. Om det hjalp eller ej ved jeg ikke.

Ifølge kinesernes egne oplysninger kan de endnu ikke forhindre andet end almindelig finregn, så der er lang vej endnu.

Hvilke kemikalier der var i de 1200 raketter melder historien ikke noget om, ej heller hvor farlige de er for mennesker eller miljøet...Jeg foretrækker indtil videre en paraply eller to.
RE: Prof. Prohaska in memoriam!13-08-2008 11:14
Kineserne har faktisk i forbindelse med åbningen af OL affyret 1200 raketter op i nogle tunge regnskyer. Om det hjalp eller ej ved jeg ikke.

- 'Weather Shooting' - nu med raketter (det er jo i Kina!)

In his report to the Ministry of Agriculture on the effect of shooting in Styria and Krain in 1904 prof. Prohaska says : "The year 1904 has tested the weather shooting in Styria severely with much hail, and it can not be said that this test has come out in favor of shooting. Primarily this applies to the shooting location Windisch-Feistritz, where grave hail damages were recorded. If we pass over 23 April, on which day the shooting may not yet have worked perfectly, then still the failures of shooting on 23 May and 3 July cannot be ignored. On the first one of these days the thunderstorm extended itself over the shooting area from SW to NE, and it was seen that the hailfall, which at the outset was light, gained intensity while passing over the grid of shooting stations, and had the largest effect in the NE third which was reached last. If the Tainach area at the SE corner, where the thunderstorm began, had been hit harder and if the Oberpulsgau had been hit less, then this case had led to a less negative judgement on the effectivity of shooting. Moreover reference to the fact, that mainly the periphery and not the center of the region has suffered, cannot diminish the failure when considering the direction of the thunderstorm path.
While on 23 May the shooting region had lain under a hailswath, on 3 July just a local hail-fall occurred, which showed no clear expansion. Again the NE part of the shooting grid, next to theOberpulsgau, was struck; hailstones fell in sizes of hazelnuts and of chicken eggs, about two-thirds of the hoped-for harvest was lost."

- summa summarum: Ikke meget nyt under solen!

Redigeret d. 13-08-2008 11:17

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Husk mig

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