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WMO lyver så sandelig også

WMO lyver så sandelig også14-12-2021 22:18
WMO lyver om arktisk temperatur rekord:

Det varer nok ikke længe inden alle nyhedsarkiver lukkes eller cencureres. Det går virkelig ikke at deres løgne så let kan pilles fra hinanden.
15-12-2021 07:01
Peter Villadsen
Er der en voksen tilstede?
RE: WMO Korruption15-12-2021 10:12
John Niclasen
Klimatis skrev:
WMO lyver om arktisk temperatur rekord:

Ja, korruptionen har fundet vej ind i mange nationale og internationale organisationer gennem de seneste årtier, siden dette klima-vanvid for alvor tog fart for omkring tre årtier siden.

WMO har ikke altid været sådan. En klimaforsker skriver i relation til 90'erne (årtiet 1990-2000):

Judith Curry skriver:
Well, a lot of it comes from the UN Environmental Program. At the time, there was a push towards world government, socialistic kind of leanings, don't like capitalism and big oil. A lot of it really comes from that kind of thinking. And the UNEP was one of the sponsoring organizations for the IPCC. And so that really engaged more climate scientists and really brought it more into the mainstream. But in the early days, a lot of scientists didn't like this at all, they didn't think that we should be going in this direction. And this was even the World Climate Research program and the World Meteorological Organization, they didn't want to get involved in man-made climate change under the auspices of the IPCC.

Kilde: Interview: Climate Change – A Different Perspective with Judith Curry

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