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Beskæftigelse:Redaktør for RETHINK online debatforum
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Profiltekst:REFLECT is RETHINK's online forum. Here we encourage our readers to get involved by commenting upon and discussing interdisciplinary themes connected to climate change. Browse through our collection of top-notch articles exploring and debating climate change, art and culture from a variety of perspectives-- and please feel free to share and discuss your questions and opinions with both the authors themselves and other readers. Because climate change is a fundamentally interdisciplinary phenomenon, REFLECT presents a broad cultural discourse on the consequences of climate change, transcending conventional borders and interfacing with many domains, including politics, art, technology, nature, sociology, and philosophy, among others. The discussion participants explore how climate change leads to new understandings and definitions of some of these established domains, and how they interfere with one and another. The writers are artists, philosophers, scientists, politicians, indigenes and business people, all bringing different bodies of knowledge and viewpoints about how climate change is affecting the way we live in and view the world. The debates are structured around six themes: RETHINK Borders, RETHINK Art, RETHINK Politics, RETHINK Technology, RETHINK Nature and RETHINK Social Life. Each theme has dedicated to it both a collection of articles and a blog, where you can comment on and discuss the pertinent articles, the individual themes, and across any and all of the six themes and their representative articles.
Dato for tilmelding: 1. december 2009, 18:01
Sidste besøg: 2. december 2009, 16:42
Antal nyhedslinks:0
Antal indlæg:1 ↓ Vis liste
Indlæg pr. dag:0
Antal emner:1 ↓ Vis liste
Antal kommentarer:0
Seneste 10 indlæg:
01-12-2009: Bringing the human scale to COP15 (Klimapolitik)
Seneste 10 emner (startet af leaschick):
01-12-2009: Bringing the human scale to COP15 (Klimapolitik)
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