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04-10-2007 23:26
Tjaeh, hvad skal man kalde det? 'Ønsketænkning à là Hedegaard'?

Og hun fik efter sigende kam til sit hår, da hun fornyligt besøgte Repræsentanternes Hus!
06-10-2007 07:56
Andrew Simms, The New Economic Foundation policy director. (5/10-07)

Every time we hear a government minister talking about climate change, they seem to be drawn towards scapegoating China and its rising emissions, but a big factor in that rise is that China has become the major factory for the western world, so their greenhouse gas emissions are largely driven by higher levels of consumption in the west.

Vh rick

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08-10-2007 21:00
Conservation scientist Professor Tim Flannery om IPCC's kommende rapport som offentliggøres november '07:

We've really seen an unexpected acceleration in the rate of accumulation of CO2 itself...I mean that's been beyond the limits of projection, beyond the worst-case scenario as we thought of it in 2001, and some of the other gases also have been produced on a larger scale than was easy to have imagined.

What the report establishes is that the amount of greenhouse gas in the atmosphere is already above the threshold that could potentially cause dangerous climate change. So if I was trying to summarise it, what it says is that we already stand an unacceptable risk of dangerous climate change and that the need for action is ever more urgent.

Vh rick

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08-10-2007 22:45
We've really seen an unexpected acceleration in the rate of accumulation of CO2 itself...I mean that's been beyond the limits of projection, beyond the worst-case scenario as we thought of it in 2001, and some of the other gases also have been produced on a larger scale than was easy to have imagined

- men inden han nu helt rammer loftet, kan han da i det mindste trøste sig med, at vi i samme periode (post 2001) ingen global temperaturstigning har registreret!
15-10-2007 19:13
Jesper Theilgaard, meteorolog DMI:

Nogle mener, at de højere temperaturer, den kraftigere regn og en optrapning i antalletaf efterårs- og vinterstorme bare er en naturlig variation i vejret. Men den seneste rapport fra FN's klimapanel, IPCC, viser med al tydelighed, at der er tale om menneskeskabte påvirkninger. Jeg har selv været skeptisk over for det faktum, men det synes jeg ikke, man kan tillade sig at være mere. Vi kan ikke bare lukke øjnene, hvis vi skal kunne se vores børnebørn i øjnene.

Interview med Dong Energys blad 'Strømninger' oktober 2007:

Vh rick

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17-10-2007 00:16
Spencer Weart, (science historian at the American Institute of Physics and the author of "The Discovery of Global Warming," a book charting 100 years of climate research.):

The I.P.C.C. was set up to be the lowest common denominator, to weed out anything anyone could disagree with. It was deliberately created, largely under the influence of the Reagan administration, because governments didn't want a bunch of self-appointed scientists from academies and so on out there.

Even the Saudi government has to agree. That means that when the I.P.C.C. says you're in trouble, you're really in trouble

Spencer Wearts bog "The Discovery of Global Warming" kan læses gratis online her:

Vh rick

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Redigeret d. 17-10-2007 00:25
19-10-2007 22:15
Jon Landvik, professor i geologi ved Universitetet for miljø- og biovitenskap (19/10-07):

Kunnskap om de naturlige endringene i fortidens klima, kan hjelpe oss med å tolke dagens situasjon. Fortiden er vår nøkkel til framtiden.

Mennesket er i stand til å påvirke klimaet. Dette synes uomtvistelig.

Hvis deler av dagens oppvarming er naturlig, så behøver ikke det menneskeskapte bidraget være så dramatisk som vi hittil har trodd. Men hvis vi derimot er på en naturlig vei mot et kaldere klima, så er den menneskeskapte oppvarmingen vi ser i dag mye mer dramatisk enn det politikere og FNs klimapanel har antatt.

Vh rick

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19-10-2007 22:44
Men hvis vi derimot er på en naturlig vei mot et kaldere klima, så er den menneskeskapte oppvarmingen vi ser i dag mye mer dramatisk enn...

- jaså! I så fald ville jeg da snarere mene, at det måtte gælde om om at få fyret mest muligt op under flest mulige kedler!
20-10-2007 22:05
Professor Malcolm McCulloch of CoECRS and the Australian National University (19/10-07) -

On the gradual buildup of CO2 in the atmosphere, dissolving into the oceans and so causing acidification:

It appears this acidification is now taking place over decades, rather than centuries as originally predicted. It is happening even faster in the cooler waters of the Southern Ocean than in the tropics. It is starting to look like a very serious issue.

There's not much debate about how it happens: put more CO2 into the air above and it dissolves into the oceans.

When CO2 levels in the atmosphere reach about 500 parts per million, you put calcification out of business in the oceans

As an issue it's a bit of a sleeper. Global warming is incredibly serious, but ocean acidification could be even more so.

Vh rick

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21-10-2007 14:02
Kassie Siegel, director of the Climate, Air and Energy Program at the Center for Biological Diversity.

Testifying at Congressional Hearing (House Committee on Science and Technology hearing on the impacts of global warming on Arctic sea ice and the polar bear) (17/10-07):

The rapid melting of the Arctic should be seen as an early warning of the broader climate crises to come if the U.S. and the world do not respond to global warming with the necessary urgency. Instead, like beachgoers chasing the receding waters immediately prior to a tsunami to gather up the exposed shellfish, nations and industry are racing to the newly ice-free areas to stake claims for fossil fuels and shipping routes that would lead us further down the path to climate catastrophe.

The rapid action plan to address global warming in the Arctic here:

Vh rick

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RE: Seler + livrem?21-10-2007 23:44
As an issue it's a bit of a sleeper. Global warming is incredibly serious, but ocean acidification could be even more so.

- og så er det jo osse fint med en 'plan B', hvis nu drivhuseffekten alligevel gik hen og blev en fuser!

Redigeret d. 21-10-2007 23:46
22-10-2007 11:16
Ja, de kløgtige videnskabsfolk er nød til at opdigte en eller anden lurende katostrof så de kan holde sulten fra døren. Og den ene skal helst overgå den anden.
Historien gentager sig:

Aksel Wiin-Nielsen, der er tidligere generaldirektør i FN-organet World Meterological Organization, beskyldte i interviewet klimaforskere for at banke en panikstemning op alene for at opretholde deres forskningsbevillinger.

"1996: Hed Ingeniøren-debat bremser FN's klimapanel" (21/10-07)

"Klik på illustrationen og læs de fire vigtigste artikler i 1996-debatten....
IPCC, klimaet og smør på brødet".

Nu at verden er blevet sloget oveni hovdet med klima-katastroferne til bevistløshed, kunne det være opfriskende med en ny og anderledes fare

Den kunne vi også hygge os med at debatere.
Vi kunne følger den ærsforpligtende mønster som med DDT, bly i benzin, rygning, ozonhul og klima debaterne. Allerførst start med at sige at målingerne ikke er pålidelige
(du blev ikke ædt op af sur havvand sidste du var ved kysten, vel?). Hvordan kunne os små mennesker har indflydelser på noget så stort som havet? Dernæst kunne vi får tiden til at gå med at diskutere om hvorvidt havvands surhed har svinget igennem tiden – citere nogle enkelte vel anset "forsker" der siger det hele er naturlige variationer

Ja, mulighederne er mange...

(Sarcasm intended
;) )

Vh rick

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24-10-2007 10:36
Al Gore – 23/10-07 In one of his first public speeches since winning a share of the Nobel Peace Prize

I believe our children and grandchildren will look back at the year 2007 and ask one of two questions...

Either they will ask about us -- What were they doing? What were they thinking about and how could they let that catastrophe happen? Didn't they listen to the scientists? Didn't they see the glaciers and polar caps melting? Didn't they see the fires?

Or will they ask another question. I want them to look back at 2007 and ask: How did they find the moral courage to rise up and solve the problem everyone said was impossible to solve?

Our children and grand children are depending on us to meet this emergency.

Hvad lavet du I 2007, far far??

Vh rick

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24-10-2007 22:02
Han kunne bidrage personligt til forsinkelse af den globale opvarmning ved at undlade at slippe så megen varm luft ud!
24-10-2007 22:13
;) Jeg tror heller ikke at DK's CO2 regnskab kommer til at se alt for kønt ud efter de næste 3 ugers udledning

Vh rick

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27-10-2007 20:45
Dr Graeme Pearman – "a former chief of CSIRO atmospheric research, and one of Australia's foremost experts on climate change" midt i Australia's pivotal 2007 election campaign (27/10-07):

I hear people talking about getting our emissions under control by carbon trading and other interventions sometime in the next 10 years. We don't really have 10 years. We're bang in the middle of the window identified by scientists in the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change report - between 2000 and 2015 - when a turnaround might just hold warming to two degrees, beyond which the consequences become dire. But there's no sign of it happening....

You have to recognise the urgency, and it doesn't seem to be there. I'm not making a partisan comment, it's not recognised by either of the parties. We really need to scale up the efforts nationally and internationally.

Vh rick

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27-10-2007 21:50
Jean Ziegler, sociology professor at the University of Geneva and at the University of the Sorbonne in Paris, the U.N.'s independent expert on the right to food since the position was established in 2000 (26/10-07):

...the effect of transforming hundreds and hundreds of thousands of tons of maize, of wheat, of beans, of palm oil, into agricultural fuel is absolutely catastrophic for the hungry people."

The world price of wheat doubled in one year and the price of maize quadrupled, leaving poor countries, especially in Africa, unable to pay for the imported food they need to feed their people — and the poor people in those countries unable to pay the soaring prices for food, he said.

So it's a crime against humanity — it's a crime against humanity to convert agricultural productive soil into soil ... which will be burned into biofuel.....What has to be stopped is ... the growing catastrophe of the massacre (by) hunger in the world.

Vh rick

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06-11-2007 19:37
Kurt Campbell, president of the Centre for a New American Security (CNAS), who also served as deputy defence secretary under President Bill Clinton. (5/11-07):

Global warming has the potential to destabilise the world. In my view, this will quickly become the defining issue of our age.

Vh rick

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23-11-2007 17:25
Carsten Beck cand.polit og forskningschef ved Institut for fremtidsforskning, der beskæftiger sig med miljø og klima (23/11-07):

Interessen for klimaet er den nye topprioritet på dagsordenen. På alle niveauer, politisk herhjemme og i hele verden, bevæger vi os i retning af klimaproblematikken. Og hvis der skal ske noget, er det vigtigt, at der er opmærksomhed om emnet.

Vh rick

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29-11-2007 22:34
Veerle Vandeweerd, chef for miljø og energi i FN's udviklingsorganisation:

Jeg føler en desperation. Når jeg læser aviserne, når jeg iagttager, hvad folk lægger vægt på, når jeg registrerer, hvad der driver vores samfund, og når jeg så samtidig med videnskaben som grundlag ved, at menneskeheden står over for sin største udfordring nogensinde ... Af en eller anden grund har vi ikke hidtil været i stand til at formidle denne følelse af bydende nødvendighed til offentligheden. Er det, fordi man ikke direkte kan se det, der sker? Er det, fordi himlen stadig er blå?

Jeg håber ikke, det er sandt, at menneskeheden kun formår at lære under dybe kriser. Hvorfor skal vi vente på oversvømmelserne, på at folk dør af hedebølgerne, når nu videnskaben giver os så klar besked om situationens alvor?

Dette er ikke et problem, der forsvinder, men det er heller ikke et problem, som vi ikke har redskaberne til at løse. Det har vi. Min desperation udspringer af, at der ikke handles.

Interview i Information 28/11-07:

Vh rick

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18-01-2008 20:44
Dr. Edward Hanna, University of Sheffield. Leader of an international team of researchers. (The scientists, from the UK, Belgium, Denmark and the US, arrived at their conclusion after analysing glaciological and meteorological records going back some five decades. Their findings are published in the Journal of Climate.) (16/1-08)

Our work shows that global warming is beginning to take its toll on the Greenland ice sheet which, as a relic feature of the last Ice Age, has already been living on borrowed time and seems now to be in inexorable (ubønhørlig) decline.

If you have an extra 3-5 degrees Celsius warming ... then you can reach a point of no return ... bringing the eventual demise of the ice sheet. That could take probably 1,000 or 2,000 years

Vh rick

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31-01-2008 16:00
Janus Agerbo
Søren_Søndergaard skrev:
Når blot det er for den rette tro må vi jo leve med at gå på kompromis med de videnskablige principper!

Din opsummering af hans udtalelse er ikke helt korrekt. Han siger ikke at man skal gå på kompromi med principperne, men på måden man fremfører de opdagelser man gør sig. Det henleder til problemet omkring at den generelle befolkning tror at "ægte" videnskab har helt sikre svar. Derfor vil man som videnskabsmand ikke blive taget seriøst, hvis man udtaler at der er en risiko for noget, men at der selvfølgelig er en fejlmargen. For dette vil få lægmand til at sige "aha, du er ikke sikker. Ergo kan vi ikke tage dine udtalelser for gode vare!"
01-02-2008 12:46
"Når jeg ikke kan lade Solen og Maanen staa op, men alligevel maa gaa og se paa, at de gør det, kan jeg ikke holde det ud længere.
Jeg faar ikke et roligt Øjeblik, før jeg selv kan lade dem staa op og gaa ned, som jeg vil."

NEJ, det er IKKE ikke et citat af Christoffer Bugge Harder.
Det stammer fra Grimms eventyr "Konen i Muddergrøften",
også kendt som "Fiskeren og hans kone"
Redigeret d. 01-02-2008 14:17
01-02-2008 14:45
Christoffer Bugge Harder
Jeg har hele tre citater, der forekommer mig relevante:

Klimaskeptikerne er for det meste godt klar over, at de ingen argumenter har, så derfor bruger de den grundlæggende De-lo-ad-Galilei-de ler-ad-mig/jeg-er-et-forfulgt-sandhedsvidne-argumentet:

"Alle Wahrheit durchläuft drei Stufen. Zuerst wird sie lächerlich gemacht oder verzerrt. Dann wird sie bekämpft. Und schließlich wird sie als selbstverständlich angenommen."

Arthur Schopenhauer, tysk filosof

Hertil er kun at sige:

"They laughed at Copernicus. They laughed at the Wright Brothers. Yes, well, they also laughed at the Marx Brothers. Being laughed at does not mean you are right".

- Michael Shermer (tidligere klima-benægter og kreationist)

Til sidst har jeg et citat fra en debattør, der ønsker at være anonym:

Alle Behauptungen eines Kneipenphilosophs über den Klimawandel durchlaufen vier Stufen:

1. Zuerst wird grundlegende Mißverständnisse und reines Quatsch als Weltzersetzende wissenschaftliche Umwaltungen hervorgehoben.

2.Danach wird jemand ihm kaltblütig versuchen, einige grundlegende Einsichten der Frage des Klimawandels beizubringen.

3. Dann wiederholt er nochmals unbeeindrückt seine Mißverständnisse.

4. Schließlich wirft er Anklagen gegen alles und jeden über religiöse Verschwörungen, die ihn als mutiges Wahrheitszeugnis verfolgen.

Redigeret d. 01-02-2008 15:50
01-02-2008 14:48
Christoffer Bugge Harder
P.S: En udfordring til Klimadebat:

To af disse tre eksempler ligner hinanden:

De lo ad Kopernikus, da han sagde, at Jorden ikke var universets centrum; de lo ad Filosoffen, da han sagde, at drivhuseffekten stred mod termodynamikkens hovedsætninger; og de lo også ad Kresten Poulsgaard, da han sagde, at Danmark var for lille et sprogområde til at have sin egen ballet.

Kan du gætte hvilke?

Redigeret d. 01-02-2008 14:49
01-02-2008 16:00
Så kommer vi lige tilbage til de rigtige bemærklsesværdige citater:

William Connolley. klimatolog

"First of all, there are too many GCMs, and some of them are cr*p, so much so that they should simply be thrown away."
Redigeret d. 01-02-2008 16:01
RE: Opgradering?01-02-2008 17:37
Hør, manse - skulle du ikke snart overveje at ændre 'status' til (semi)aktiv?
01-02-2008 20:55
Apros pos climate models:

Michael Oppenheimer, Princeton University:

"Ice Sheets and Sea Level Rise: Model Failure is the Key Issue"

.....the state of ice sheet modeling is far different from the state of atmosphere-ocean modeling, as underscored by the recent observations. At this juncture, numerical modeling simply does not provide a credible basis for quantitative projection of ice sheet behavior in a warmer world.

The limitations of ice sheet models were revealed starkly by the collapse of the northern sections of the Larson B ice shelf in 1998 and 2002. Glaciers bounded by the landward edge of the ice shelf accelerated toward the sea while glaciers bounded by the more southerly section of the ice shelf, which remained intact, didn't. Apparently, backpressure on glaciers from the abutting ice shelf provides a significant portion of the restraining forces keeping land-based ice in place, at least in some instances. The recent behavior of glaciers farther south in West Antarctica, and in Greenland, points to a similar dynamical response to ice-shelf fragmentation.

Many glaciologists regarded these observations as a clear test of the ability of ice sheet models to forecast dynamical changes in a warming ice sheet, a test the models failed. The long-standing inability of ice sheet models to reproduce the ice streams of West Antarctica, unexplained dynamical contributions to the mass balance of the Greenland ice sheet during the late 1990s and its apparent basal response in one location to surface melt-water reinforced this skepticism. The problem is threefold.....

Vh rick

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RE: Václav Klaus om EUs klimaplan:04-02-2008 18:37
Für mich besteht Klimaschutz in der Ambition bestimmter Menschen, das Klima zu ändern. Und das erinnert mich sehr stark an den alten kommunistischen Slogan: Wir können auch befehlen, dass es regnet und der Wind weht. Das hat man uns schon in der Schule gesagt: Wir Kommunisten können alles. Daran denke ich, wenn ich das Wort Klimaschutz höre. Der Versuch, das Klima zu ändern, erinnert mich an die Kommunisten.

- hele interviewet her; resumé på engelsk.
08-02-2008 22:22
India's Prime Minister Manmohan Singh (7/2-08):

India is prepared to commit that our per-capita carbon emissions will never exceed the average per-capita emissions of developed industrial economies....We cannot continue with a global development model in which some countries continue to maintain high carbon emissions.

Vh rick

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07-03-2008 21:36
Ferenc Miskolczi, Hungarian scientist, atmospheric physicist with 30 years of experience and a former researcher with NASA's Ames Research Center:

Runaway greenhouse theories contradict energy balance equations

Just as the theory of relativity sets an upper limit on velocity, his theory sets an upper limit on the greenhouse effect, a limit which prevents it from warming the Earth more than a certain amount. Miskolczi re-derived the solution, this time using the proper boundary conditions for an atmosphere that is not infinite. His result included a new term, which acts as a negative feedback to counter the positive forcing. At low levels, the new term means a small difference...but as greenhouse gases rise, the negative feedback predominates, forcing values back down.

NASA refused to release the results. Miskolczi believes their motivation is simple.


he tells DailyTech.

Research that contradicts the view of an impending crisis jeopardizes funding, not only for his own atmosphere-monitoring project, but all climate-change research. Currently, funding for climate research tops $5 billion per year.

Miskolczi resigned in protest, stating in his resignation letter:

Unfortunately my working relationship with my NASA supervisors eroded to a level that I am not able to tolerate. My idea of the freedom of science cannot coexist with the recent NASA practice of handling new climate change related scientific results.


Gavin Schmidt, climate modeller at the NASA Goddard Institute for Space Studies, New York (5/7-06):

..positive feedback(s) occur(s)...there are lots of other examples. Of course, there are plenty of negative feedbacks as well (the increase in long wave radiation as temperatures rise or the reduction in atmospheric poleward heat flux as the equator-to-pole gradient decreases) and these (in the end) are dominant (having kept Earth's climate somewhere between boiling and freezing for about 4.5 billion years and counting).

People often conclude that the existence of positive feedbacks must imply 'runaway' effects i.e. the system spiralling out of control. However, while positive feedbacks are obviously necessary for such an effect, they do not by any means force that to happen. Even in simple systems, small positive feedbacks can lead to stable situations as long as the 'gain' factor is less than one (i.e. for every initial change in the quantity, the feedback change is less than the original one). A simple example leads to a geometric series for instance; i.e. if an initial change to a parameter is D, and the feedback results in an additional rD then the final change will be the sum of D+rD+r2D...etc. ). This series converges if |r|<1, and diverges ('runs away' ) otherwise. You can think of the Earth's climate (unlike Venus' ) as having an 'r' less than one, i.e. no 'runaway' effects, but plenty of positive feedbacks.

fed skrift min

Vh rick

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20-03-2008 01:57
Frank Lansner
En Gore-fan artikel hvor CO2´s effekt forsvares:

"You cant argue with science!"

Den gode forfatter led vist ikke af mindreværdskomplekser
22-03-2008 19:46
Frank Lansner
Lintzen: You dont need "Consensus" if you have a proof....
31-03-2008 23:24
Frank Lansner
"If global warming gets any worse we'll all freeze to death."

Fra artikel om vinteren 2007-8:
04-04-2008 20:20

BBC..."temperatures have not risen globally since 1998 when El Nino warmed the world."

Adam Scaife, lead scientist for Modelling Climate Variability, Hadley Centre, Exeter, UK:

What's happened now is that La Nina has come along and depressed temperatures slightly but these changes are very small compared to the long-term climate change signal, and in a few years time we are confident that the current record temperature of 1998 will be beaten when the La Nina has ended.

Vh rick

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04-04-2008 22:11
What's happened now is that La Nina has come along and depressed temperatures slightly but...

- strålende (bort)forklaring, næste lige så god som denne

Men sådan en tiårig La Nina er da vis noget af en usædvanlig begivenhed, og desforuden er også verdenshavene kølet af i samme periode, så...å??
Redigeret d. 04-04-2008 22:11
05-04-2008 09:05
Astrofysiker Henrik Svensmark - Seniorforskerfra Danmarks Rumcenters Forskningscenter for Rum og Klima (21/1-08)

Vi har den højeste solaktivitet i tusind år, og det er hovedårsagen til den globale opvarmning. Jeg mener ikke, at der rent videnskabeligt er belæg for at sige, at det især er mennesket, der har ændret på klimaet.

Nu går solaktiviteten formentlig ned, og så får vi koldere klima. Måske noget der minder om "den lille istid

Det bliver spændende at følger med klodens temp. udvikling i de næste år

Vh rick

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05-04-2008 09:43
Det bliver spændende at følger med klodens temp. udvikling i de næste år

- ja, mon ikke?
06-04-2008 16:15
Frank Lansner
Suk... at den artikel slutter af med "Svensmark fremlagde sin kontroversielle teori.." vidner om hvor skæv mediedækningen er. Når de mest basale synspunkter fra ikke-gore fløjen opfattes som noget nyt og kontroversielt, så må det da være fordi ikke-gore fløjen ikke er hørt blot en brøkdel af hvad gorefløjen er.

Nå! Et citat:
"Mærsk gør klar til at pumpe CO2 ned i Nordsøens oliefelter"

Det er jo helt syrealistisk. Lur mig, der bliver lavet en "storfilm" om det her..
Redigeret d. 06-04-2008 16:48
14-05-2008 21:25
Martin Parry, co-chair of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change's working group on impacts – 13/5-08:

Despite all the talk, the situation is getting worse. Levels of greenhouse gases continue to rise in the atmosphere and the rate of that rise is accelerating. We are already seeing the impacts of climate change and the scale of those impacts will also accelerate, until we decide to do something about it.

Vh rick

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